You Were Born To Stand Out

Growing up as a kid, we moved around a lot. I can remember when me and my younger brother would start yet another school together in a new state. It would usually be mid year and everyone had established their circle of friends. Talk about tough! Walking into the school cafeteria was like walking into a crowded room with a spot light on us. We wanted so badly to fit in and more often than not it just didn't happen. Funny how we go thru life wanting so badly to fit in. Because of this, I would try to change who I really am to gain acceptance.  God is teaching me thru CR though that I don't need to fit in because He has created me to stand out as His unique creation. This got me to thinking about our first time visitors on Friday Nights. I am sure they feel like the spot light is shining on them too. The difference though, is we are expecting you and are so glad you are here. We want you to be who you are and not who you have tried to be to fit in any longer. The next time you meet someone new, take some extra time to make them feel welcomed. If you are having anxiety about trying out CR but know you need it, don't give into the fear. We are all fellow strugglers just like you. The only difference is we may be a little further down the road. A word of encouragement to you if you are struggling today. From Pastor Rick Warren: "It's not fate, chance or luck that you're breathing at this very moment you're alive cause God wanted to create you!"  Hope to see you at a local CR. They are waiting to serve you a feast of love and hope. They all want so badly to point you to freedom in Christ. All you have to do is get to the front door. “Knock, & the door will be opened." Luke 11.9 "nothing good happens when you hold back." Home Run the movie Have a blessed day. Rodney Holmstrom


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