
Showing posts from August, 2021

What Were You Thinking About?

By Eric Hutchinson, Fellowship Rogers CR Training Coach, 8/4/21 Have you ever been sitting with a friend or family member, and they are staring off in the distance? You say, “What are you thinking?” Thoughts are interesting. Sometimes thoughts can randomly come in and out of my mind, and then other times I can’t quit thinking about something. Especially if there is a major event going on in my life. I can sometimes obsess about whatever that big event is. So, let me ask you a question. What are you thinking about? Is there anything dominating your  thoughts? Work? A relationship? Your children? An event that’s happened in your life? Maybe, you have been keeping a secret that only you know, and it’s become a burden. Take a minute and do a self-check, and determine if your thoughts have been positive or negative? I recently read that John Hopkins Medical School found that 70% of disease is psychosomatic. This is NOT to say that these diseases aren’t real, but their origin is not found in