
Showing posts from March, 2021

Beauty in the Brokenness

By Eric Hutchinson, Fellowship Bible Church Celebrate Recovery ministry TEAM Training Coach, 3/31/2021 When I was a kid my favorite TV show was The Six Million Dollar Man . I loved that show so much! The show was a about an astronaut named Steve Austin. Steve was also a test pilot, and one day he was testing a new aircraft when something went horribly wrong, and he crashed. He lost his right arm, both his legs and his left eye. He was wrecked physically. The government decided to install machine parts called bionics on Steve’s body. These parts cost six million dollars, making Steve the Six Million Dollar Man. Steve became better than before… Better, Stronger, and Faster! That is the phrase they used every week before each episode.  I think this story is a great parallel to recovery. You see, before Steve could accept the bionics, his body had to be wrecked. Before I can receive God’s healing power, I have to acknowledge that my life is wrecked, and I can’t fix myself. That’s the fir

Finding Shelter

By Sarah Bryant, Devotional Team writer at Fellowship Bible Church, Rogers, Celebrate Recovery, 3/24/21 Banjo, my black lab, loves to go for walks. Since I’ve been working from home over this past year, she wants to go on one at least two time a day.  When the weather is nice she has a blast, but as the summer comes and the days get hotter she has a hard time not overheating because of her thick, black fur.  In July and August she doesn’t understand why we can’t go as far or as long. I think she would literally continue to walk in the blazing sun until she fell over and passed out.  As her fur-ever mom, I want her to be able to enjoy herself, but it’s still my job to protect her. On the hot days we take short walks, and when the sun is at our backs I’ll walk behind her so my shadow casts shade on her. Throughout the walk, things will catch her attention and she’ll turn to one side and then the other and step out of my shadow, but each time I just take a few steps to the side and bring

Armed and dangerous!

By Kareena Holloway, Fellowship Bible Church Celebrate Recovery TEAM Encourager Coach, 3/17/21 Do you feel under attack lately?    You're not alone, sister or brother!   You are one of a huge army of warriors for Christ.   Do not back down and give up hope when times get tough.  If life is going well for you lately, turn and encourage those around you to keep fighting the good fight.   We will all get through this together!   So here's three questions to think, pray, and journal about today : 1:  How's your armor right now?  (read Eph. 6:10-17) 2:  Are you listening for God's word in your life?  (a suggestion is to spend 10-20 minutes in silence..just you and God's word) 3:   Remember a time when someone came alongside you in a tough time and encouraged you.  Have you thanked that person?     Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.   Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.   Eph. 6:10 Click  HERE

Living Water

By Eric Hutchinson, Fellowship Bible Church Celebrate Recovery ministry TEAM Training Coach, 3/10/2021 Recently I was running on my treadmill, and I noticed that I was breathing heavy and started feeling lightheaded. I have been running consistently three times a week for about two and a half years. Typically, I run five miles, and it takes me approximately 50 minutes. So, I feel I am in pretty good health, and I don’t normally start breathing heavily until the end of my run. Also, I NEVER feel dizzy or lightheaded while running. I had just started my run, so breathing heavy and lightheadedness kind of concerned me. I slowed the treadmill down to a very slow jog, and I started feeling better, so I turned the speed back up, and I started feeling weird again. I finally stopped the treadmill and decided to shower and call it a day.    After my shower I sat down for dinner with my wife , and I noticed that my heartrate was still way up, like I was still running. I checked my pulse, an

“I'm a grateful believer in Jesus Christ.. and I’m in recovery from….2020?”

  By Jamie Smith, Fellowship Bible Church Celebrate Recovery Devotional Team, 3/3/21 It was early March 2020, and my Step Study was just getting into the inventory. I admit, I was nervous. But then COVID-19 hit, and all of our lives got shut down for what most of us thought was going to be a couple of weeks. Well, you all know what happened next. As many on social media might say, 2020 happened. The pandemic, politics, and what seemed like so much emotion, heartache, broken hearts, and just … tough stuff. Heart hurting stuff. My Step Study group proceeded to meet via Zoom for “social hour”. We didn’t do the steps; we just hung out and talked. It helped us stay connected and, quite frankly, it provided a weekly solace for each other. "For where two or three gather together as my followers,  I am there among them." (Matthew 18:20 NLT) Eventually, CR National figured out a way to allow online Step Studies to meet, and we picked up where we left off. We celebrated our Step