Have You Met This Family?

Have you met this family? There is Mr. Jealousy and his sister, Ms. Envy. You may know them as they are the children of Mr and Mrs Anger. This family has many insecurities, and a bad habit of comparing themselves to others in a very unhealthy way. The son, Mr. Jealousy, has a great fear that things close to him will be taken from him at any moment. So he lives in this fear all the time and finds himself very critical of others. His sister, however, obsesses and finds herself full of resentment because in her mind, her neighbors are doing better than she is and she doesn't like it. Have you ever met this family? Maybe you are finding yourself a part of this hurting family right now? I know there have been times in my life where I was very much every one of those people. I was never satisfied with God's provision and in fact I was rebelling against God's will for my life. "If only I had more, what if I lose this, or that...." Talk about a wrong approach for life that is destructive and exhausting! So often in my life, my pride, low self esteem, dissatisfaction for His plan and blessings given to me, drove me to being miserable and even finding myself criticizing everyone that was in that path. This lead me to resentment, bitterness, & even depression. What the Lord is teaching me is that the root of this junk was pain and struggles from my past that were left unresolved. I am grateful for His growth He is doing in me to be real with myself and not look at the "things" around me but to learn to keep my eyes on Him. To not compare myself to others in an unhealthy way. To keep a list in my heart for what He "has" given me instead of what I "don't have". To quit being so critical of others in my life. I have enough if my own sin to worry about. I will never measure up to what the world asks of me, but I can be satisfied with who He is making me into as His child, and receiving what He has so richly blessed me with. “God remains in us and his love in us is made complete." 1John 4:12 I am grateful that while I am not where I need to be, God is changing me and replacing that family of jealousy, envy, resentment, bitterness with His new family that stems from His love. A love that truly casts out all those fears. Thank You Lord for what You have blessed us with. Help us today to keep our eyes on You. Have a blessed day! Rodney Holmstrom


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