False Talk: The Enemies Telemarketing

Do you ever find yourself talking negative about who you are and what you are capable of doing? I call that false talk. It's those seemingly small things that over time can become so real and seem like truth but in fact, they are just a bunch of lies from the enemy. "I will never amount to anything" "I am not a good leader" "Our marriage will never work" "I am not a good dad or mom" "I am different than anyone else, my issues can't heal" "I can never be a spiritual leader" "My mind is too far gone for change" "I am just too far into my dysfunction, addiction, or brokenness, I just don't see me getting better, changing or healing" I was sharing with a dear friend this past week about how the false talk we speak is so dangerous. I used to be so bad about this and what I found was the negative things I believe and speak can and will become my reality if I am not careful. I am learning that when I speak these lies, I am only becoming a tool for the enemy to carry out his plan to steal and kill my joy and rob me of Christ's purpose for my life. I heard one time that we as humans can't think about two things at once,so why not think of those that are a truth and not lies? So why not, "Take every thought captive." 2 Cor 10:5 "Think pure, noble and godly things." Phil 4:8 God shines light that bring goodness, but the enemy is always looking for people to join his picket line of stinkin thinkin' and false talk to keep us in the dark cave. Are you speaking these lies? Let's commit to stop being the enemies telemarketer of garbage and stamp out that kind of talk. Remember, Whatever gets my attention, gets me. "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."Eph 5:11 Today, lets expose the enemy for who he is & have no more fellowship with this darkness. Today, lets choose to dwell on the Father's truth and Christ's hope that brings LIFE. Have a great Saturday! Rodney Holmstrom


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