What Takes Your Breath Away?

I was walking out to my truck last night to leave the office and there it was. I saw a sky that looked like a painting of brilliant colors. I was struck to stand there and just take it in. What an amazingly creative God we serve. Thinking this morning how easy it is to overlook His beauty in those things around me. Reminded this morning that it is important to slow down to stop and "live" in the moment. Reminds me of the quote someone said, "Life isn't measured by the breathes we take but the moments that take our breath away.” What takes your breath away? A few for me; hearing my kids laugh, seeing my family pray, sing and laugh together, listening to brothers and sisters share victories in their life.  Listening to our CR congregation sing songs of worship from their heart. Or how about that moment when you see the turning point in a friend that leads them to finally take action toward healing and freedom in their life. I am grateful for a changed heart this morning. A heart that has the ability to see things as a gift, to love and an appreciation for what the Lord paints in my life now. I am grateful for the vision to see value in even the smallest things in my life now. That wasn't always the case.  A word of encouragement, “In this life we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love."Mother Teresa Let's face today with a heightened awareness of the smallest gifts given to us. Let's face them with the greatest of love and watch how blessed we become. “In your relationships with one another, have the same attitude of mind Christ Jesus had" Philippians 2:5 Have a great day! Rodney Holmstrom


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