Getting To The Other Side

I opened my eyes this morning and if you're reading this so did you. Praise God! If you're like me, there is probably something that needs to be addressed. Every day is about not only celebrating victories but also being proactive and taking action on yesterday's shortcomings. Why? So that my struggles from yesterday don't gain roots and affect my tomorrow. The "new" me has learned about an important principle. Principle 7 is a step of daily action in evaluating the good and the bad from a daily inventory and then 'promptly' admitting it. Taking action in this principle keeps the 'new' me from going back to the 'old' me. When I deal with my stuff daily, own it, and keep my side of the street clean, it keeps my 'stumbles' from becoming hard 'falls'. In the great words of the one and only Dr Seuss, “I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!” This is Principle 7 in a nut shell isn't it?! "Christ said, 'Let us go over to the other side', not to the middle of the lake to be drowned." Daniel Crawford This principle gives me oars to take me where God wants me to go, instead of sinking in my unresolved struggles. How has doing a daily inventory been beneficial for you in your walk? Rodney Holmstrom


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