Establishing A Beachhead

"A decision followed by a process. In the 3rd choice; 'Letting Go', we are asked to make a choice, followed by a decision. This is a process of beginning to move forward. Phase 1: Softening up- saying, "yes, I need something beyond myself... softening up my pride, fears, worries, & doubts." After that, we establish a beachhead. (A defended position on a beach taken from the enemy by landing forces, from which an attack can be launched) When we make this choice 3, God establishes a beachhead in our life. Complete change isn't instantaneous, but a process...this means that God has a presence in our life. For the rest of our life he will be setting us free from all our hurts, habits, and hang-ups." LHC As I was reading that today I was struck with how this same process works with the enemy. He sweeps in and softens us up with seemingly minor things. An inappropriate glance here or there, a few seemingly harmless flirtatious acts. Maybe a couple texts back and forth with an old flame. "Just one drink" or "I don't need anyone in my life." "I can do this alone." The truth is, the enemy has the same game plan doesn't he? He will try to steal our thoughts, time and energy for his purpose. Once he has softened things up.... Then, he goes in for the kill with a goal to destroy. In the same way, he establishes a beachhead. Does he take over right away? No, but with his persistence, he will attempt to establish a beachhead. The question is, which one will I allow to establish a beachhead in my mind, heart and life? I choose The One, Jesus Christ. “Freedom is what we have—Christ has set us free! Stand, then, as free people..." Gal 5:1 How has God established a beachhead in your life? How is He changing you today as a result? Rodney Holmstrom


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