Come and Taste and See

One of the things I despise is sitting in a job interview. The first thing they want to see is a resume and then it is a conversation of me trying to prove I am what that piece of paper says I am. At times my relationship with Christ is the same way. Sometimes I catch myself looking at God as a "what can He do for me" mentality. "Are You good Lord? Prove it!" "Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!" Ps34:8 This message from the psalmist is not a, "hey check out my résumé and see if you buy in to who I am" no, it's a special invitation to us to say, "you are not going to believe how good this is. You gotta try it! Please give it a try, you won't regret it." I am grateful today that my wife's first love is not me or even our kids, but the Father. I am grateful that she is ok with my first love not being her or our kids, but rather the Father. It is only because we have 'tasted and seen' Him and continue to 'taste and see' that we are able to love each other the way Christ intended. How do I know He is good? I am a living resume of His goodness. I don't deserve to be here but in His grace, I live as a child of the King. Have you tasted and seen? You gotta try this. You will love it! Happy Valentine's Day to my sweet wife.", Carol Rodney Holmstrom


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