Leave Your Fears in God’s Hands

By Carl Kimbro, Fellowship Bible Church Rogers Celebrate Recovery Devotional Team writer, 3/25/20

Several days ago, the company I work for announced we would work from home due to the Coronavirus. Ok, no big deal. The internet connection isn’t great, but I can still get things done. Two days later, it was announced that the girls would be home from school as well. Suddenly, the prospect of getting any work done seemed impossible. We would all be using the less than perfect internet, and the drama/trauma from the girls having to “share” the Chrome Book for their schoolwork struck fear in my heart. No chance of it being a peaceful productive experience. Of course, it’s not real fear, but it got me thinking about the fear currently gripping our nation over the Coronavirus. People are terrified by the virus and are afraid of dying from it. I don’t want to get the virus, but I’m not living in fear of it. However, I have other fears: fear of failure, fear of not being the parent my granddaughters need, fear of not providing for my family, and fear of letting God down. Even though my fear is very real, as a Christian I don’t need to allow it to control me.

When David was afraid, he turned his fear over to God.

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3

No matter how bad the situation, the God he worshiped was bigger than any fear he felt. His God could handle anything that came his way. With God in control, David had faith everything would turn out all right. What a great example David is of trusting God.   

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” 
Psalm 94:19

Trying to solve my own problems never worked. Instead of getting rid of my hurts, habits and hang ups, they just got worse. I knew I needed help, and God was just the one I needed to help me. But, it’s not easy to turn fear and anxiety over to God. Doing so means I’m not in control. It means I’m trusting a power greater than myself to solve my problems and end my fears. It means admitting I can’t do the impossible. But I was determined to do it.

Once I made up my mind to turn it over to God, I had to make some hard choices:
·       Admit I’m powerless to do the right thing.
·       Admit I am tired of allowing fear and anxiety to control me.
·       Trust God to be my deliverer.

The greatest lesson I learned from giving my fears to God was this: I can have peace and joy in my life. I don’t know the future, but I don’t have to fear it, because I can trust the God who does. His love for me casts out my fears and brings perfect peace.

Do you need God’s perfect peace in your life? 
If you struggle with fear, I want to encourage you to turn it over to God and allow Him to be in control. He will provide the peace and freedom from fear you are seeking if you will just trust Him.

Click HERE to listen to "Trust In You" by Lauren Daigle


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