Chain Breaker!

By Carl Kimbro, Fellowship Bible Church Rogers Celebrate Recovery Devotional Team writer, 2/19/20

“If you’ve been walking the same old road for miles and miles. If you’ve been hearing the same old voice tell the same old lies. If you’re trying to fill the same old holes inside, there’s a better life, there’s a better life.” Chain Breaker by Zach Williams

Most of us know the words to that song by heart. It’s a CR crowd favorite. But in times of pain, it’s easy to forget the truths found in this song. Failure, pain, and life’s disappointments can occupy my thoughts, and take my mind off the freedom and redemption I have in Christ. It’s so easy to forget where I’m at/going, and dwell on where I’ve been. It’s at that point I wrap my former chains back around me. But, the freedom I found in Christ is still there! It hasn’t gone away even if I have forgotten it.

When I forget to focus on my freedom, prayer is my answer! David is a Bible “hero” for me. Unlike me, when surrounded by trouble David never lost faith in the Lord. Prayer was an important part of David’s relationship with God.

Out of my distress I called on the LORD; the LORD answered me and set me free
Psalm 118:5

Psalm 118:5 reminds me that I don’t need to wrap my chains around me again. 
Once broken by my relationship with Christ, they are gone for good. I have learned through Celebrate Recovery that prayer brings joy, peace, freedom from my struggles, and a closer relationship with God. I know I can turn it over to Him and step out of the chains of hurts, habits, and hang ups. 

What a joy it is to know He is there to guide me, comfort me, and forgive me when I fail. With prayer, I can move away from my past, and move forward in my relationship with God!

Click HERE to listen to Chain Breaker by Zach Williams


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