Any Excuse Will Do

Any excuse will do.... 
One thing I have learned about excuses is that they are like Lay's Potato chips, I can never just eat just one. The root of this kind of thinking is fear and doubt.
At some point I had to stop and say "enough excuses" and step away.....from the bag of excuses. 
I had to replace my doubt and fear with courage and belief that He could change me.
For me I am grateful that while I still fall on my face making mistakes, The Lord is replacing "I can't because..."  with "But now...I don't have to live enslaved to addictions, I don't have to live in fear any longer. I don't have to be frozen in my muck anymore!"
It takes courage to step out and believe He has the power to help us recover. 

Is there an excuse keeping you stuck in the starters box? No more excuses, doubt or fear. Change begins now but you have to step toward Him.
"Come near to God and He will come near to you." James 4:8


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