The Non-Negotiables of Recovery

By Carl Kimbro, Fellowship Bible Church Celebrate Recovery Devotional Team writer, 9/8/21

When I first began to attend Celebrate Recovery, I went with my son. I did not believe I needed it because I did not have a problem. Each week I saw the miracle of recovery lived out before my eyes. In my “detached” point of view, I always got the impression that you attend CR and open share, and you stayed sober as a result. But when I admitted my own addiction, I found out quickly that this wasn’t even close to the truth. 

My first two weeks after picking up a blue chip were awesome. I stayed close to God and stayed away from my problems. It seemed that the “chip” was the answer. Week 3 however was not so good. I struggled with and gave in to temptation. Suddenly, recovery wasn’t so easy! The harder I tried, the worse it got. It seemed like failure was going to be the winner in this fight.  However, I did not give up! Fortunately, I sought advice with one of the leaders and listened to it willingly. I learned important things such as:

 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” Psalm 3:5

 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” Psalm 18:2

If recovery was going to work, I couldn't give up! I had to put my trust in God’s provision and not my own abilities. My strength was not enough, my will power was not enough. God has to be the center of my recovery. He has to be my deliverer (Psalm 18:2) and I have to trust in Him (Psalm 3:5)  

 As part of my trusting and leaning on God, I developed some guide posts in my life that are a “non-negotiable” part of my recovery. These are the truths for me that help me keep God first. 

·         Attend the service to learn and be encouraged in my walk with God

o   The lessons provide great examples of how to live recovery. The testimonies provide proof that freedom for hurts, habits, and hang-ups is possible.

·         Participate in open share

o   Sharing helps provide relief because it always helps to talk about my recovery.  

·         Commit to daily bible reading   

o   The best way for me keep God in my recovery is to keep Him in my life through daily study of His word.

·         Take accountability seriously

o   When I struggle, it helps to share with my accountability partners. When I don’t, I miss an opportunity to be blessed by relationships with fellow believers.

·         When able take part in step studies

o   Step studies are crucial because they contain all the elements of the above and so much more that is important to my recovery.   

·         Share my story often

o   People need to hear that freedom is possible. They hear it when I share.

 In sharing my non-negotiables, I hope you will find some inspiration in my words, and will develop your own non-negotiables in your road to recovery.  And above all remember: recovery is not to be walked alone. We need God and we need others to take the journey with us. I promise you, that is the best part of the recovery journey and what makes it work. “It works if you work it, and it won’t if you don’t”


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