Here Am I. Send Me

By Carl Kimbro, with Fellowship Bible Church Celebrate Recovery Devotional Team 5/1/19

Are you a leader?  Prior to stepping up to lead, you may have covered the necessary bases to lead but there was still doubt you could do it.  Maybe you felt unqualified. Maybe you felt you weren't good enough.   Whatever it was, you recognized those as lies from the enemy and  you saw your new identity in Christ and the desire to step up and give back.  I want to encourage you today, that you were not alone in these feelings, that God has great plans for you and to help you help others as you serve.
Let's take a look at Isaiah, someone who also doubted he was good enough to serve.
From what has been learned about Isaiah, it is thought that he was a priest serving in the temple when he received his calling to be a prophet with a vision of the Messiah upon His throne. In his own description in verses 1-7, Isaiah was in awe of this vision. He immediately saw himself as unworthy, even going as far to say in verse 5  “Woe to me!” I am ruined! For I am a man with unclean lips in the midst of a people with unclean lips…”. God used one of His heavenly creatures to touch his lips with a live coal and proclaim “...your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for." While the coal itself can’t atone for sin, it is likely a symbol for Christ since it came from the altar of sacrifice. Because of this act, his sin was purged, and his fear of inadequacy removed.

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”” Isaiah 6:8 NIV

Wow, what a reaction Isaiah had to this event. He heard the Messiah asking, “whom shall I send?” And he didn’t hesitate in replying. The change in his life was instantaneous as was his reply: “Here I am Lord, send me”! The Messiah had removed his objections. The fear was gone, the woe was gone, the worry was gone.  The feeling of inadequacy was gone! He was cleansed of his sin and he was ready to serve. And serve he did faithfully for years no matter the hardships or the consequences.

Like Isaiah, our own inadequacies have been removed and our sins forgiven when we accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. He provides the strength to overcome anything that keeps us from serving. Jesus can do whatever needs to be done without our help. But through service he allows us to be a part of His life changing grace. It is one of the many blessings he provides for us. We may not be asked to spread the gospel to the world and pay with our life like Isaiah was, but the tasks of serving within the church are equally important.

When we accept the call to serve we see life change in ourselves and others. But more importantly, we, by God’s grace, take part in His work here on earth and the blessings that come with it.

Are you a leader?  Maybe you stepped back and took a break from it to rest and refuel.  Maybe it's time to step back up and share with others the amazing truths of God's grace and redemption!  Have a blessed week!

Click HERE to listen to "Shine A Light" by Elevation Worship


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