Journey continues in Desert

First off, thank you so much for praying. We need those prayers and are so grateful to have you join us as interceders on our trip.
It was the second day of our conference and we saw God in many different ways thru thr eyes of His children in the Middle East. Some of the sahirng is unbeleivable that I have personally experienced. The "Denial is not just a river in Egypt hoke went over well"....:)
I heard stories that will break your heart. Stories of belivers ears being cut off for claiming Him as their Father. So much abuse, so much hurt.
It does blow me away however, how no matter where you go in this broken world, you will find a common denominator of brokeneness and a hungry heart for the Master Healer and Comforter, Jesus Christ.

I spoke wiht one gentleman that described how his life can be when in certain pockets and he talks about Jesus Christ that it is going thru his head, "I could die for this, but I don't care" Wow! I take so much for granted for teh freedoms we have back home. We can praise Him anywhere, any time and that is an amazing freedom.

Craig kicked us off today with Choice two, the HOPE Choice and then our freinds Larry and Angela made it in from thier leg of the race! YEAH!!!! It was so good to see their flight made it here safely. Please pray though as Larry lost one of his pieces of luggage with a computer and lots of valuable stuff. Hoping it will turn back up.
Angela kicked off choice three , the tough Commitment choice and we heard testimonies from Don and Larry.

After the small groups we decided to take some time beofre chocie 4 to explain what it means to "Commit" or when we are "powerless". Some folks here were struggling with this concept and what that really looked like. We even had some people think that after we finished the eight sessions that they would not have any more problems. Not much different form teh states as sometimes we want the quick fix instead of embraces the process of change that brings about a lifetime of intimacy in Christ.
So....we took some time to tell tehm that this wsa only but an overview to show people what it can be like to be in group discussions and be honest and real with one another. The Q and A time and sharing form our team was very productive.

The team has had several people come up and share how glad they are that we are taking them thru this and how much they need this in their life.

Our prayer is that people will get on fire for Christ and see His healing power to NOT cure us from all life's struggles but to help all of us overcome our H,H,H's.

Tomorrow we have Larry leading us thru Choice 5 and Rodney thru Choice 6 and then Angela will finish out the day with Choice 7.

Please pray that any walls that are still up will come down and that all will see how poerful He is and how powerless we are with out Him. We need Him in our life.

Love you all and will share morelater. it is 2:00am here. Blessings.



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