Used By God

 By Carl Kimbro, Fellowship Bible Church Celebrate Recovery Devotional Team, 10/27/21

You probably have sat in Celebrate Recovery on a Friday night and heard a message that touched you spiritually. You might have been impressed with the way a person delivered the message. Maybe you thought: that was awesome, but I could never be used like that. I could never stand up and talk from the stage because I would drop dead from fright! You might be right. Maybe that’s not something you can do. But here is the good news: you don’t have too. God may be calling you to be used in a different way, one you are comfortable with, or one you haven’t even thought of yet. 

Principle 8: 

“Yield myself to God to be used to bring this Good News to others, both by

my example and my words.”

Each of us has something to offer. Our hurts, habits, and hang ups have given us

unique experiences that God can use to be a witness to others. When our son went to

prison and his wife abandoned the girls with us, we thought we would die. We were

drowning in uncertainty, fear, and sorrow. The ship sunk, we were in a leaky lifeboat,

and we only had one oar. Rowing to shore wasn’t an option. Only drowning in our

sorrows seemed like a sure thing. But God had other plans. 

Galatians 6:2: “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of


No one I know modeled Galatians 6:2 better than our fellow CR family members Wayne

and Vicki Kennedy. As we floated in that leaky lifeboat tossed about by the waves, they

threw us a lifeline and pulled us to shore. They had been through what were were/are

going through. Because of this, they started a care group at Fellowship called

Grandparents as Parents, or GAP. We eagerly attended each meeting, soaking up their

love and mentoring. They lovingly poured into us and others in the group. They shared

in our victories and struggles equally. They never judged us, and led us with grace. It

took time, but slowly we began to heal from the hurt. And as the healing took place, they

encouraged us to take our hurts and use them to help others. 

Wayne and Vicki had a vision to take GAP to those in need. We saw the way they

modeled principal 8, and knew in our hearts God was calling us to do that too. They

began a new GAP group at Fellowship Fayetteville, and we began leading the group in

Rogers. Our desire is to model principle 8 for others the way they did for us. We had

good teachers, we trust in God’s guidance, and we are willing to go where God has led

us. We want to be Wayne and Vicki to others. 

Has someone been Wayne and Vicki for you? Has their example touched your life? If

so, pray about how God can use you to live out principle 8 in your life. God will use your

experiences to change lives. The impact you have will be kingdom building and could

have an impact on generations to come. And I promise it will bless you too!


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