Armed and dangerous!

By Kareena Holloway, Fellowship Bible Church Celebrate Recovery TEAM Encourager Coach, 3/17/21

Do you feel under attack lately?  

You're not alone, sister or brother!  
You are one of a huge army of warriors for Christ.  
Do not back down and give up hope when times get tough.  If life is going well for you lately, turn and encourage those around you to keep fighting the good fight.  

We will all get through this together!  

So here's three questions to think, pray, and journal about today :

1:  How's your armor right now?  (read Eph. 6:10-17)

2:  Are you listening for God's word in your life?  (a suggestion is to spend 10-20 minutes in silence..just you and God's word)

3:  Remember a time when someone came alongside you in a tough time and encouraged you.  Have you thanked that person?  

 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 
Eph. 6:10

Click HERE to listen to Keep Fighting the Good Fight by Unspoken


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