Socially Distant, Not Socially Isolated

By Carl Kimbro, Fellowship Bible Church Rogers Celebrate Recovery Devotional Team writer, 4/15/20

Social Distancing and being away from friends and people we care about isn’t easy. But what is easy (at least for me) is to focus on the negative and forget the positive. At first, I did a lot of complaining: The internet is overwhelmed with bad news, common core math is stupid, homeschooling isn’t for the faint of heart, and much more! More than anything, I missed my church family and time in worship. The longer that I stay at home, the more old habits become a temptation once again!

“For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am with them”. Matthew 18:20

When I first heard about doing Zoom open shares with some of the other leaders or just zoom accountability partner meetings, I admit I wasn’t enthusiastic about it. There was no way in my mind that it would work or be a good replacement for face to face meetings. Let’s be clear, face to face is always better, but I decided to give it a try. I started with my accountability partners, and then joined a group one of the other leaders put together.

At first it seemed disorganized as we tried to share without talking over each other. I kept looking at my watch waiting for it to end. But as I was sitting there, I suddenly felt like God was talking directly to me. He reminded me that I was complaining about not spending time with my friends. If we couldn’t meet physically right now, maybe this was the next best thing? More importantly, we didn’t have to be physically together to have Him be in our midst. Matthew 18:20 was just as real in this setting as it would be sitting together in church!

Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching”. Hebrews 10:25.

For me, the advice in Hebrews 10:25 to meet and encourage one another is now more important than ever. By the end of the day I am Zoomed out from so many virtual work meetings, and it would be easy for me to say no to another Zoom meeting and sit at home in solitude. But that just makes my isolation worse and lets temptation sneak in. I am so thankful we have a church ministry like Celebrate Recovery that recognizes the need to stay connected and encourages us to stay in contact. It’s been a blessing to not only see and talk to my forever family, but to encourage them and be encouraged by them as well. It’s a God given opportunity I’m thankful to have.

In this time of social distancing, it’s so easy to let isolation take control.  When I find this happening I make sure to reach out and connect with my forever family by virtual meetings and phone calls. This allows me to encourage and be encouraged by others. That contact helps my recovery and brings much needed joy and peace in my life.

Click HERE to listen to "Make Us One" by Jesus Culture


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