Doubt Not

By Eric Hutchinson, Fellowship Bible Church Rogers, Celebrate Recovery Training Coach 4/22/20

To be completely honest, things have been a little rough financially for me these past few months. I am in sales, and because of the quarantining and fear of Covid-19 people are not buying and selling. The enemy has filled my mind with doubts and fears of, “What if?” What if I can’t pay my mortgage next month? What if I can’t pay my bills? What if I can’t provide food for my family? These are all valid concerns, and to be completely transparent, I have had doubts.  

It reminded me of a man in the Bible who had doubts. We call him “Doubting Thomas.” I think he has received a little bit of a bad rap. I mean, Jesus had just been tortured and crucified! Thomas witnessed this first hand, and he was probably in fear of his own life because of his association with Jesus. He had seen Jesus perform many miracles and thought that Jesus would rise to power and establish God’s kingdom. Then, Jesus was beaten, killed and buried. Everything in Thomas’ past would indicate that it was over and then self-preservation kicked in. He needed to move on and survive. However, the men that had been closest to him for the past three years told him something that just didn’t make sense. They told him Jesus was alive! How could this be? All physical evidence screamed something totally opposite to their words. So, Thomas said, “I won’t believe it unless I see the nail wounds in his hands, put my fingers into them, and place my hand into the wound in his side.” Eight days later, Jesus appeared, and Thomas was amazingly humbled by the visual proof of Jesus in front of him.  Am I any different? I don’t see how my business can survive. I don’t see how my dwindling bank account can accommodate my debt. Where are you God? I am ashamed sometimes by my unbelief. God has proven himself to me many times, and yet I doubt. 

I am reminded of a huge sixteen foot tall piece of white marble that the cathedral of Florence, Italy purchased in 1463. They hired a sculptor from Sienna to carve a figure that would be displayed prominently. However, the marble was so faulty that the sculptor abandoned the task. He doubted. So, they hired another artist, but he too found the task too difficult and gave up. He doubted. The marble was placed in a warehouse for almost 40 years! Then, a twenty-six-year-old prodigy, named Michelangelo, took the mutilated piece of marble and created the statue David. This statue is one of the most famous sculptures in the world! 

Are you like me and doubt circumstances can be overcome? You know, Jesus didn’t reject Thomas; he showed him his scars and accepted him in all his doubt. I am thankful Jesus does the same for me. I am grateful that Jesus took this defective human and is creating a new life! I hope this finds you confident in God’s provision and control. But if not, take solace in the fact that Jesus loves you just the way you are and can handle your doubts. I know in my mind that God is going to work everything out. I am thankful that I have evidence of his power each day as he continues to provide for me. Read the scriptures below and know that you are in good hands! Have a blessed week my friend. 

When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.” 
Psalms 94:19 NLT

So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What 
will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” 
Matthew 6:31-33 NLT

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