I'm A Grateful Believer..

By Carl Kimbrow, Fellowship Bible Church Rogers Celebrate Recovery Devotional Team writer, 12/4/19

“I’m a grateful believer in Jesus Christ.” I have introduced myself in meetings with these words so often that I say them without even thinking. I have so much to be thankful for, but I don’t always remember that. 
The holiday season brings unpleasant memories and reminds me that the life Cheryl and I dreamed of together isn’t going to happen. It was seven years ago in November 2012 that our son went to prison for the first time. That Christmas we tried to hide our sorrow and keep the girls happy while their mom was passed out in the next room. Then in January 2013 girls’ mom left for work and never came back. A lot has happened since then. We have adopted the girls and moved on. But even after seven years the pain is still there. I often grieve that Cheryl and I can’t enjoy the ‘empty nester’s’ life we desire. In my pain and anger I sometimes lack an attitude of gratitude to God for all He has done for me.

“I will give thanks to You Lord with all my heart; 
I will tell of Your wonderful deeds.” -Psalm 9:1 

God has done much for me that I never want to forget it. Through Celebrate Recovery, He has freed me from destructive habits and put people in our lives when we had no idea where to turn. These people helped us get back on our feet and keep everything in perspective, and God continues to put people in our lives today who mentor and guide us. He also continues to deliver me from my destructive habits and helps me to see the joy of raising our grandchildren instead of longing for what might have been. I’m grateful for His provisions for us at a time when we felt like giving up. I’m grateful for the joy He has given us through all of this. I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ, and I really believe it! Being truly grateful provides freedom I never dreamed of.

So this Friday night when we introduce ourselves in group, let’s not just say the words, “I’m a grateful believer in Jesus Christ.” But let us really think about the words and what they mean to us in our recovery. Let’s say them with conviction and with a grateful heart. Gratefully sharing our recovery with others shows them the power and love of God. The day we share our story with a truly grateful heart may be the day another listening to us may find freedom from their own hurts, habits, and hang ups - and we will have played a part in their recovery story!

Hello, I’m a grateful believer..

click HERE to listen to "Hundred Miles" by Crowder


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