Blessed vs Miserable

By Rodney Holmstrom Celebrate Recovery National Director West, 
Fellowship NWA Celebrate Recovery Ministry Leader

Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit.” Psalm 32:2 NIV
When I read these first 5 verses of chapter 32 of Psalms, I am reminded of why Celebrate Recovery is so effective. Celebrate Recovery, by its very nature, helps me to understand that being real, honest and authentic makes for a much better life versus being deceitful, dishonest and hiding our stuff.

Verse 3 gives a pretty graphic description of what life can be like when we hide who we are and what is really going on.

“When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy on me; my strength was sapped 
as in the heat of summer.”

Let’s see, which way do I want to go today? Do I want to go to a place where my bones are wasting away, where I feel heavy, sapped and no more strength…or, BLESSED?

  • Until David got honest, he was MISERABLE. In the same way, when we get honest, we will be too.

  • When David got honest he was BLESSED. Likewise, when we get honest, we will be blessed.

Gives a whole new meaning to "have a blessed day", doesn’t it? Have a transparent, real, and open-hearted day.

What we are doing in recovery is hard, but if it brings blessing, I’m in. I hope the same for you too.

Click HERE to listen to "Grace Got You" by MercyMe


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