Observe, be still and grateful

Whoever is wise will observe these things, and they will understand the loving kindness of the Lord. Psalm 107:43. Sometimes God uses the simplest of things to reveal Himself to us. We are often so caught up with our circumstances and the things going on in our lives that we often miss so many little glimmers of Himself that He does give to us. “ Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10. Satan often uses such subtle ways to get our eyes off the things of God. How about coffee -- it takes me 15 minutes to decide what flavor--dark, latte, frozen, Arabic, Grande CafĂ© Mocha with whipped cream please--what happened to just a regular cup of coffee? What about all the people it took to just get the coffee to me? Shall I wear slacks, a dress or a stripped shirt, after I have already changed my clothes three times. Did I put on the whole armor of God in addition to my regular clothes? Distracted -- if I am not careful, I stay distracted and often times miss just the simple things. Father, your are omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient--You show Your self to us each and everyday. Do you even find yourself looking for glimmers of God? In times of pain and suffering? Not understanding the why’s? Do you let yourself, your heart and mind be at rest by being still and knowing God is God? Are you taking time to understand the loving kindness of God. If your life has more tumult than stillness and more chaos than tranquility--God has not abandoned you or has not stopped revealing Himself to you. He shows Himself to us in so many ways we just sometimes fail to see it. He shows Himself if we just look for Him --even in the little things.
Did you ever see a tree that lifted it’s leaves to the heavens asking God for the rain? What about the beauty of a Cardinal or the gentle sound of a babbling brook as it offers up in praise to the one who created it? What about the beauty of a baby sleeping peacefully? Yes, when you look in the mirror, you too, are one of God’s miracles. Even as we look at the weather conditions, plants and animals, God is saying, “ I like beautiful things and I like variety.” Look at all the different types of people He has created! Even when fighting the thorns and the thistles while blackberry picking, the butterflies that fluttered around and the huge toad, whose little leg I almost stepped on. Everyday we encounter miracles. Everyday God showers us with gifts. Often times we stay so distracted that we fail to see and to be still and know that He is the Almighty God.
Awareness and gratitude go hand in hand. Jesus said that those with child-like hearts would see the kingdom of God. Think about the things that distract you from the moment that your feet touch the floor in the morning. Look at the things around you--look with the eyes of a child. Soon, you will begin to see God. You will begin to see and understand His constant love and care for you. Every day, take note of the things around you -- whoever is wise will observe these things--be grateful for the blessings of daily life and the “small miracles” around you. Appreciate the work of all the people who contribute to the functioning of your daily life. Look for the signs of the Kingdom of Heaven each and every day. Learn to understand the loving kindness of the Lord. All throughout the day take little moments to be still and know God is God.
Father: In the ordinary things of life, help us to be observant so that we can see You and understand Your loving kindness. Help us to see You in all circumstances. Help us to be still and know You are God Almighty. Gives us eyes to see the miracles and the beautiful gifts that you give us that reveal Your Majesty , and Your Kingdom. Give us child like hearts. Give us hearts of gratitude.
As you walk on this journey called life--be observant, be still, and be grateful every single day.
Janice Encourager Coach-Team Fellowship Bible CR

To learn more about Celebrate Recovery. Contact Rodney @ 479-659-3679 or email at roholmstrom@fellowshipnwa.org


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