How do I love thee?

Valentine’s Day -- the great day for expressing your love one for another. God’s love. We do not need a day set aside to celebrate His love for us -- it should be a daily celebration. Think about it, nothing can ever separate us from it, it is everlasting and eternal, it was so strong for us that He died on the cross for us, and covers all our sins. He loves us in spite of ourselves and our wicked ways. By His example, He gives us the guidelines to show His love to others. I always go back to I Corinthians 13, because that is the plumb line for love. (Vs. 4-7 ) There is forgiveness, patience, kindness, love of truth, love for justice, love for the best in a person, loyalty at any cost, belief in a person no matter what. It does not allow for jealousy, envy, pride, a haughty spirit, selfishness, rudeness or demand one’s own way. It is not irritable, or hold grudges. There are no stipulations on whether or not we are worthy. We are not worthy of that love, but He is the one who makes us worthy. Love does not know reason -- it defies all reason. Love is not blind --it sees but it does not demean, judge or condemn. Love is easy to feel, but sometimes hard to explain. Sometimes it is the pain of it that make people cry. Love accepts all the pain that we have to bear, because the one who loves us bore more than we can imagine. Love is not created by words or feelings, not by humans, but by hearts -- God within that heart. Love is better expressed in deeds than in words. Love should inspire you, give you joy and strength. Love must be brave -- brave enough to hold on whenever you can’t see the light, things go wrong and brave enough to let go when the time comes. Love may leave your heart like shattered glass, but remember there is someone, our Lord and Savior, who is willing to walk along side of you and help you pick up the pieces and will make you whole again. Let love be the light of your heart. Let God’s love for you be the reason you can freely love. Love is not how you forget, but how you forgive. Love is like air, you can’t see it, but you can feel it. Love is a friend who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. It doesn’t make the world go round, it makes it worth while. Love is family --families are like good fudge, mostly sweet with a few nuts. To the world you might be just one person-but to one person, you may be the world. Sometimes falling in love is not easy, but staying in love is something very special. Love is sometimes doing things that you do not want to do or because you feel that certain people are not worthy of your love. Truth be known, none of us are worthy. Love is not a spectator sport. It requires a real commitment. When you choose to open your heart to the mystery of love, you are choosing to participate in God’s plan. Real love will bring transformation and change in your life. Do you remember the time when the love of God touched you? Think about the people you love now, the love of a mother for her newborn child, the love of friends and family who have kept you safe or walked beside you in stormy times. Are you opening your heart to God? Are you opening up your heart to others, bearing with them in their burdens and sufferings? What about your preconceptions? Love teaches the lesson of surrender. It knocks down walls, frees you from the prison of self, and leads you into a deeply surrendered relationship with God. Will you say to God -- open your arms and embrace His love, risk vulnerability, empathize with others and share in their joys and their sorrows? Will you cultivate love in your life? Will you believe in the transformational power of God’s love?
Loving Father: Lord, you have provided a simple but sobering test of Christian spirituality--our love for You can be measured by our love for others. Father all of us at one point have failed this test. Every time we refuse to lend a helping hand, to listen to a hurting friend, or we refuse to love or obey Your commandments. Father, would you strip away our selfishness, and help us to learn to love others. Father, there are some that have a hard time loving themselves. Give them hearts and eyes to see and feel your love. Teach us to love whole heartedly. Thank you so much for your great love for us--where would we be without it? Amen
As you go about your week think about I John 4: 7-8--- Let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. Have a lovely week. Janice- CR Encourager Coach


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