A broken spirit and a contrite heart

Good morning:
Psalm 51:17: A broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart O God you will not despise. Psalm 34:18: The Lord is close to the broken hearted and those who are crushed in spirit. Those broken down with sorrow for their sin. Have you neglected to face the truth about some sin that you have committed and have failed to repent of it? How do you feel when you let it linger? In Psalm 51-- I’ve often wondered, before David confessed, did he go around praying and being all religious in front of the people? Was he sickened by his own sin, but did not take ownership of it? God sent Nathan to gently nudge David. I also think that it had been eating away at him because when Nathan told him about his sin he immediately cried out, “ I have sinned before the Lord.” David was very quickly willing to submit in the spirit of meekness and ready to lay it all out before the Lord. He is sickened by it and comes to the realization that it not only hurt God but it hurt others around him. In vs. 7-12, look at the words that he uses--he asks for mercy before he even mentions his sin, there is shame, a feeling of worthlessness, and self loathing, of letting God down. Wash me, take away this horrible feeling that I have. Create in me a clean heart. David’s soul craved to be forgiven for his sin. He is asking God not to really look at him as he is --a sinner. He is asking God not to cast him away from His presence. He wants to once again feel the favor of God upon him. He wants that personal relationship restored with God. He wants his joy back. He clearly sees God as his creator, God is the only one who can make and change the heart. II Corn. 5:17. He humbly comes before God and admits that he has been rebellious and sinful -- he has done what he wanted to do. He asks God to uphold him, and to help him. He then makes sure that we are aware of what God wants from us --love and complete obedience to God, that is the best sacrifice we can make. God delights in a quiet softening of the heart and a personal contrition and confession of our sin. David immediately felt God’s pardon and not God’s pity, a deep sense of God’s love and forgiveness. He was truly humbled before the Most High God.
We need to be right with the Most Holy God. We carry this sin around with us instead of confessing it. What makes it so special that we even want to carry it around? Are you feeling unworthy and bogged down to the point of being miserable? Come to Jesus, He will accept your broken spirit and contrite heart. Come, let Him restore all the wounded places. Do not ignore His pleas and continue to live your life the best that you can. We are only as broken and sick as our secrets. The places we hurt we bury deep inside of us -- wounds that open and reopen and close according to our circumstances -- things that hinder us from getting closer to Jesus and all that He desires for our lives. Don’t continue to be affected, emotionally, relationally and spiritually. The inner part-- this is where God can move in power and in healing. Don’t hide your sins from Jesus, He is gentle and strong, He will walk with you and be there for you. If you notice David in acknowledgment of his sin-- flees to God’s infinite mercy and depends on that for pardon and peace. Psalm 51: 10 -- create in me a new heart O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. What is it right now that you need to confess -- are you tired of it? Is God going to have to send someone to gently remind you that you have sinned and are need of confession and repentance or will you be immediately convicted and say to God with a broken spirit and a contrite heart, “ I have sinned before you O Lord?”
Father: nothing is ever hidden from your face -- we think that we can hold on to our sins and still be in perfect relationship with you. In doing what we want to do, we actually alienate ourselves from your presence and then wonder why we feel the way we do. You are Holy and Pure and it is our sin that separates us from You. Help us Father to be willing to run to your throne and lay it all out at your feet, so that we may be clear, restored and remain in fellowship with you. We believe Satan’s lies when we think even the smallest thing does not matter. Break us and make us willing to summit in the spirit of meekness, ready to be corrected. Amen
As you go about on your journey this week, ask God to create in you a pure heart and a renewed spirit. If there is something you need to confess, don’t wait --take it immediately to the Father-- don’t be robbed of your joy. It is better to live with freedom instead of being burdened. God has seen and has forgiven some pretty sick stuff -- He will not be shocked at what you tell Him. Have a blessed week - Janice- Encourager Coach- CR FBC NW


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