Imago Dei

  By Eric Hutchinson, Fellowship Rogers CR Training Coach, 12/8/21

Recently my wife and I got up early, and we saw the most amazing sunrise! Then, we went into town to get a cup of coffee together. While we were driving to the coffee shop, we witnessed the most beautifully colored trees! Did you know that there is no tree exactly the same? There may be trees that are similar in height or size, but each tree is uniquely made different. Just like you and me! Each of us are uniquely different and special. There is a Latin word, Imago Dei, that means “Image of God.” You and I were made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), and He does not make junk! What’s incredible is that while we are made in His image, we are each uniquely made special.

Sometimes I can get discouraged as the enemy points out what I consider to be flaws in my body or character. For instance, I have a really loud voice. I have always had a loud voice, and it got me into trouble multiple times while in school growing up. Sometimes people will ask me to lower my voice because I am speaking too loudly. I also tend to lean forward when I walk and run. When I was young, I remember some people nicknaming me “Twinkle Toes.” It was meant fondly but sometimes it would hurt my feelings because it wasn’t something I could change about myself. I was also born with seven permanent teeth missing. When my permanent teeth came in, pushing my baby teeth out, there were several baby teeth that were left in my mouth to this day. Those teeth have changed color and don’t look right. This is embarrassing to me and sometimes I wish I could afford to have this fixed.

The enemy loves to bring my attention to my flaws and uses them to discourage me. However, God loves me just the way I am. Look at these passages:

Psalms 139:13-14 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

 Isaiah 64:8 says, “Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay; you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.”

 Finally, in Ephesians 2:10 it says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

 So, when the enemy starts pointing out your flaws and tries to discourage you, remember you are God’s masterpiece, and He loves you just the way you are! I hope you are doing well my friend, and I pray this word encourages you to continue to walk with Jesus. Have a blessed day!


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