Trading My Sorrows

 By Carl Kimbro, Fellowship Bible Church Celebrate Recovery Devotional Team, 4/7/21 

Cheryl and I like to call adopting our granddaughters “Parenting round 2.” Anyone who has had interruptions to their “rhythms of life” knows the unexpectedly sudden things like death, raising grandkids, taking care of an aging parent, or a host of other problems can be overwhelming. Some days I feel anger and resentment for a life that seems lost to me. Today as I write this could easily be one of those days.

One of my friends told me recently that he is beginning what is known to some as "empty nesters life" and planning the things they will do. Another friend is just enjoying time alone with his wife and getting to know her again like when they were first married.

These things remind me of the two years alone we had before we had to take custody of the girls. I am jealous and envious of my friends. I question why God allowed this to happen. It fuels my resentment again for son, the girl parents. I get mad, and I lash out at others around me. I know it’s unforgiving, and I know it doesn’t portray my life as a Christian to the girls or to those around me. That it turn causes me to spend the rest of my day confessing these sins to God. It's a trip into frustration that I hate. Fortunately, Celebrate Recovery has given me the tools to change the destination from frustration to joy.

When I feel stuck in my circumstances, or just plain miserable, Principle 2 reminds me of just how much I matter to God.

Principle 2
Earnestly believe that God exists, that I matter to Him, 
and that He has the power to help me recover.

Happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4

It’s okay to mourn. It’s a God given emotion, but mourning doesn’t feel good. In the past, I turned to sinful addictions to bring me comfort. But it was just an illusion that didn’t bring peace or happiness. Celebrate Recovery has taught me to turn to the Word of God for comfort and truth.  In the scriptures I find a God who loves me and died for me that I might be free from sin to live with Him forever. I never lose my sense of awe that we have such an awesome God that He would do that for me. In scripture, I find many stories that show again and again how God comforted and brought peace to those who were hurting. My bible reading reminds me God will do this for me too!

Friendly words and prayer at just the right time are a blessing. My accountability partners are a life-line for me. Before I started to write this blog, I reached out to them. Immediately I received two texts offering brotherly love, prayer and concern. Just this encouragement alone changed my attitude quickly. I never had accountability brothers before. What a blessing! Because of CR, I have learned that leaning on others isn’t a weakness. It’s a lifesaver!

Are you hurting and mourning circumstances in your life? If so, I encourage you to turn to Principle 2 and remember that to God you matter!

Click HERE to listen to "Yes Lord (Trading My Sorrows)" by Jeremy Camp


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