Take Courage

By Sarah Bryant, Fellowship Bible Church, Rogers, Celebrate Recovery Devotional Team

Courage – noun. 1) The ability to do something that frightens one. 2) Strength in the face of pain or grief. 

Two years ago, on the Friday before Memorial Day, I was sitting at my desk at work…stressed out about life and burned out at my job. With Monday being Memorial Day, I had already planned to take the next week off work but had been too overwhelmed to even think about what I was going to do or where I was going to go. For the past four years I had been struggling quite a bit with panic attacks, and traveling was something that tended make them worse.

I never used to have panic attacks. It’s a long story, but they didn’t start until my late 20’s. It was just like the illustration they use at CR sometimes. My life felt like I was just standing in the water trying to hold down a bunch of beach balls. All of the sudden I couldn’t hold them all down anymore, and one of the things that popped up out of the water was panic attacks. Miserable, energy-sucking, joy-stealing, panic attacks that get so intense sometimes I literally think I’m going to die. At the time, they had gotten so bad they were starting to keep me from living my life, and I didn’t know what my future was going to look like living with these.

One of the things that the panic attacks had started to control was my ability to travel. I love to travel. In fact, I have a map on my wall of the United States with pins in all the places I’ve been. I had checked off 30 of the 50 states and had even been fortunate enough to take a couple of trips to Europe. But that was all before…before those debilitating panic attacks started…before planes triggered a fear of being trapped with no control to leave…before hotel rooms had beds that were unfamiliar and scary.

So there I was, two years ago, sitting at my desk, not altogether excited about what the coming week off would bring, and dreaming of what it used to feel like to take a vacation to a new place…and then…I did it! I made the decision. The decision that would change the way I fought my battle with panic attacks. At noon that Friday I jumped on a last-minute travel website and booked a trip to Alaska…alone…and I went wheels up a day and a half later! Going to Alaska had been on my bucket list for a while, but the thought of panicking had grounded almost all of my travel plans over the past few years. But that day I decided that I was getting on that plane, and I was either going to panic, pass out, and die in the air, or I was going to land in Alaska.

And guess what? I did have a panic attack on the plane. But guess what also?…I didn’t die…and when I landed in Alaska and saw the unbelievable beauty of God’s creation, something inside me changed. In that moment I knew that I was going to be OK. I knew that I would continue to have struggles in this life, whether they be panic attacks or something else, but I had a choice. I could confine myself to the perceived safety of my couch and let the panic attacks, and things from my past that caused them, control the rest of my life, or I could get out there and live!

With the help of CR and therapy, I’m learning to manage my anxiety and panic attacks. They are still definitely in my mind, but they don’t control my actions anymore. Alaska was state #31 for me, and last year I checked off #32. And each time I’m tempted to say “no” to something for fear of a panic attack I remind myself of Alaska, and I choose to be courageous.

I’m so glad I made the decision, with a whole lot of God’s strength, to get on that airplane. It ended up being the trip of a lifetime and will always remind me of the inner courage that God gives all of us to overcome whatever obstacles life may bring.  

Whatever your struggle, fight courageously today, friend! 

“These things I have spoken to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

Click HERE to listen to "Take Courage" by Kristene DiMarco


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