What's in your bucket?

By Eric Hutchinson, Fellowship Bible Church Celebrate Recovery Men's Encourager Coach,  04/10/2019

What's in your bucket?

Have you ever said something and then later thought, "I can’t believe I said that"?  I know I have.  

I am in my fifth step study and I just finished my inventory again.  Just as a bucket, when dumped out can only dump its contents, what is in my heart will eventually come out.  

When I take a look at what’s in my heart I can then give it over to God and he can fill my heart with the right things so that good things come out of my life.  So what’s in your bucket?  

Matthew 12:34b says, “the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.”  

As you evaluate your life and the things that are coming out of your life, are you pleased with what you see?  If not maybe there needs to be a change in the things that are pouring into your life.  

Proverbs 4:23 says, “Guard your heart above all else, 
for it determines the course of your life.”  

Wow!  Whatever is in my heart, my "bucket", is going to determine the course of my life!  That’s a big deal and why It’s so important that I be careful of what goes into my bucket.  I love Celebrate Recovery and how it encourages me to look inward and evaluate myself.  Take a moment and ask God to show you what is in your bucket and if it glorifies Him.  I hope this email finds you in a good place.  

My child, pay attention to what I say.  Listen carefully to my words.  Don’t lose sight of them.  Let them penetrate deep into your heart , for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.”  Proverbs 4:20-22

Click HERE to listen to "Lord I Give You My Heart" by Hillsong


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