God’s Perfect Peace

By Carl Kimbro, Fellowship Bible Church CR Devotional Team 6/13/2018

God’s Perfect Peace

Peace is such a restful word. It implies so many things. When I think of the word peace, I think of a relaxed person in tune with both God and the world around them. A person at peace has a mind that doesn’t feel mentally fatigued and is free from worry and stress. I view peace as something that comes from turning our troubles, worries, fears and cares over to God.

Turning our troubles, worries and cares over to God can be a struggle. For myself, I know the problem. It’s me not trusting Him to give me peace. I hold onto the hurt and worry. But scripture clearly gives us
the truth that we can find peace in God. 1 st Peter 5:7 clearly states God cares: 

“Cast your anxiety on Him because He cares for you”. 

In the proceeding verses, Peter is explaining God’s expectations for behavior amongst His people. That this command falls in the midst of those behavioral things shows God expects trust to be a behavior and an attitude. The behavior is a willingness to cast all our fears and worries on Him. The attitude is expecting peace because God loves us and cares for us. What peace would we have if we made it an automatic behavior of trust to cast our anxiety on God, and believe he will give us rest from our worries? God promises us in Isaiah 26:3 that if we trust Him; if our minds and thoughts are focused on Him, then
he will give us perfect peace. “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.” The word perfect isn’t there in the Hebrew text. Instead, it says peace, peace. This likely means we who trust in God shall not be overcome by worry no matter what trials we go through.
We can with absolute certainty know God is with us every step of the way. His presence with us is the proof of His peace in us. What an awesome truth – God loves us and he cares for us. He imparts peace on us when we trust in Him to do so.

One other proof for me of God giving us His peace is when I am at Celebrate Recovery. There I see the miraculous healing power of God. I see changed lives. I see hope and peace where none existed before. I see people finding the miracle they were looking for. It is a strong reminder that we are loved by the All Powerful Creator of the universe. And if God is for us, how can anxiety, fear, and worry overcome us? The answer is it can’t if we turn our worries over to Him and trust Him to take care of us. Just as 1 st Peter 5:7 tells us, let’s make casting our anxiety on Him a behavior, and trust that He will bring us peace.

Click HERE to listen to "Cast My Cares" by Finding Favour


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