What a Coincidence

What a coincidence....
-When I went to CR the first time there was someone there who had walked through that same situation years earlier
-When I shared my deepest pain, no one judged me.
-When I shared my testimony, I saw in the crowd the leader that led my first newcomer meeting.
-When I came back to CR after missing a week, people missed me.
-When I stumbled and went back to God, He was still there.
-When I stopped trusting God, He never changed.
-When I was fearful and lashed out at God, He still showed compassion on me.
-When I blamed God, he taught me how to take responsibility for my action...and loved me all the way through it.
-When I shared my deepest secrets with an accountability partner, contrary to what I believed, I actually lived through it.
-When I called out to God for help, He was there holding tight to my hand.
Sometimes we can look at life and the things that happen and see them as coincidence. But, make no mistake about it, there are no coincidences with God.
His will is a beautiful expression of His unconditional love. Take a look around you today and see what He is doing. Even in the difficult & hard to explain situations, God's WILL, will shine through it and He will not allow that hurt to go wasted.
You are breathing today and have a body of CR believers that are here and ready to walk through any and all junk with His help. That is no coincidence.

God is still in the business of miracles.

Be blessed today!

Rodney Holmstrom


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