How is your marriage?

Love Should be the Last Thing Standing in Our Lives

When the great Chicago fire of 1871 swept through the city it annihilated everything in its path. More than 18,000 buildings were destroyed. One hundred thousand people were left homeless. A four square mile of area of downtown Chicago was in ashes. Saddest of all, at least 1,000 people perished in the inferno.
A few days after the firestorm subsided, an intriguing picture was published in the newspapers. In the midst of the four square mile area of devastation, one lone house stood untouched by the blaze. It had survived the nation's worst fire of the century.

Christ's love is much like that lone house. When the firestorm of family problems, financial setbacks, job loss, even disease and death has swept through your marriage, love will still stand. That indestructible love survived the whip of roman soldiers, the taunting of the crowd, and the painful cross of Calvary, and that love emerged triumphant from the tomb on Easter morning.

No one can promise you that your lives will be spared flames and heat. But God does promise that when the smoke and ashes clear, His love will still be standing. And so will you.

"Love never fails." I Corinthians 13:8

Remember, marriage is for better for worse for keeps.
From Bob and Cheryl Moeller "Marriage Minutes"


  1. we been married 46 yrs and we have our ups and downs we both came from dysfunctioal family and i need be more forgiving i have a lot miss trust and i feel i am not good anought for my spouse. we have lost repect for each other . we need to get back to that . i pray to god that he will show us the way to back to what we once had .

  2. Just prayed for you friend. God is big enough to restore this marriage. Rodney


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