
Showing posts from December, 2018

Mary's Song

Craig   Duffy , Community Team Lead, Celebrate Recovery, Fellowship Bible Church. 12/19/18 “And Mary said: ‘My soul glorifies the Lord  and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior…'” LUKE 1:46-47 NIV In Luke 1:46-56, Mary responds in praise as God calls her to be the mother of the Messiah. This is confirmed when she visits her cousin Elizabeth, who has experienced her own miraculous pregnancy. Mary found herself in very uncertain circumstances: a pregnant, unmarried teenage girl who had received a vision from God – who had been silent over 400 years. Who but Elizabeth might even believe such a thing? How was Mary’s pregnancy to be accomplished? What would be the reaction of her betrothed, Joseph? Yet as Mary surrendered to God’s call on her, despite her legitimate concerns, her soul overflowed with praise for God, His redemptive plan, and His promise to use her for His glory. In a vastly lesser degree, I found myself in an uncertain situation in the spring of 2010...


Kareena Holloway, Fellowship Bible Church NWA Celebrate Recovery Women's Encourager Coach 12/12/18 Emmanuel .  A  Hebrew word,  m eaning , "God with us".  "WITH US" Let those words sink in. He is with us when : When we are at our worst. When life gets hard.  When life just seems hopeless. Remember His holy face and those precious words.  He is with us! Remember that, like the wind which we cannot see but know it is there by the way things are moved.  We can see He is with us by the way life moves and progresses us to the next step.      We can look to other times where God has moved mountains, healed our friends and family, inspired us, brought us little miracles, put a song in our head, etc. He IS there...He IS with us! You , my dear sweet friend, are never alone.    No matter what you're going through, no matter how hopeless you feel, HOLD ON! You WILL make it through this, and you WILL see that G...

Friendship with God

By Eric Hutchinson, CR Ministry TEAM Men's Encourager Coach, Who is your BFF?   I was reading today out of 1 Samuel 18:1 “ After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David and he loved him as himself .”  I have had several extremely close friends in my life.  It seems that no matter what I am going through there is a friend that I can turn to for help and encouragement.  Who is that person in your life and how did they become so close to you?  Friends are those special people with whom we can laugh, cry, celebrate and mourn within the different seasons of life.  Just the word friend can bring a memory of a person to mind and almost always brings a smile to our face.  Whether it’s the person you call when you get good news or the person who accompanies you through your dark valleys, that friend is a rich gift from God.  But, the greatest gift of friendship that God gives us is a friendship with himsel...