You are a Letter written by God

By: Eric Hutchinson, Fellowship Bible Church NWA, Celebrate Recovery, TEAM Training Coach 8/28/19

My son is currently in Basic Training with the Army division of our Military.  He has been gone for several weeks now, and every now and then he sends us a letter.  It’s funny how excited my wife and I get when we see that letter from him in our mailbox.  It’s like Christmas!  If my wife checks the mailbox earlier in the day, she opens the letter before I get home because she can’t wait to see and read the words written from our son.  I come home and ask, “did we get anything in the mail?”  The words we read on that paper are surreal and are a lifeline to us as this is our only form of communication with our son for now. 

I was reading the passage below in Corinthians recently and was impacted by Paul’s words.  He says, “Clearly you are a letter from Christ…”  What an incredible metaphor!  You and I are letters from Christ to others.  When you give your testimony at CR, open share, step study or even just briefly with an individual, your life is a message to that audience or individual of what God can do in their life.  Wow! 

Don’t let the enemy fool you into thinking that your story is not worth telling.  God has given you a unique and incredibly special story that is written for the purpose of being read by someone else!  Know this, your life has purpose and meaning beyond what you can imagine.  God has plans to change others from the letter written in your life.  Let it out, and let it be known what God has done in your life and can do in others.  Don’t be discouraged from allowing God to use you in other people’s lives.  I hope this email finds you in a good place.  I love you guys!  Have a blessed day!

Clearly, you are a letter from Christ showing the result of our ministry among you.  This letter is written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God.  It is carved not on tablets of stone, but on human hearts.”  2 Corinthians 3:3 NLT


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