By Susan Nichols, Fellowship Bible Church Celebrate Recovery Devotional Team, 8/21/2019

I woke up one morning determined to put God first.  Lately, I’d given up on having
quiet time and felt convicted, so on this day, I re-doubled my efforts.  I read two devotionals and meditated on the Word. After spending time in prayer, I shared some scriptures with a friend who’d been on my mind.  I was proud of myself and felt satisfied the day would go off without a hitch. What actually happened?  Read on to find out!

I couldn’t get the comb through my daughter’s tangled curls.  I yanked and she cried. The more she cried, the more irritated I became.  I yelled at her for losing her pom-poms and couldn’t find anything to wear despite having multiple piles of clean clothes.  Toys and boxes were scattered everywhere around my messy house.  Did I mention we were in the process of moving?  To top it all off, we were late to cheer at a basketball game.

I sat down in the midst of the chaos to calm down, and, as I prayed, I realized the day can fall apart even when I’ve done all the “right things.” I have no control over other people or the things that go on around me, and I’m never guaranteed a perfect day or conflict-free life. My quiet time with God simply prepares me to deal with problems as they crop up.
That day continued to be challenging.  Some of the Cheer parents were upset that we were late to the game and the other coach had a meltdown when we were confronted.  I was tired and in pain physically.  The surprising thing was, despite the circumstances, I was actually at peace.  Romans 12:12 reminds me that my hope is in Christ, not in myself, people, or situations. I have no confidence in my own abilities, so I lean on Him. He helps me remain stable even when the boat starts rockin’.  No matter what storm is raging around me, no matter what dark valley I may walk through, I know He is close beside me to help me (Psalm 23:4, NLT).  Knowing that I am helpless without Him, I keep on praying, taking one step at time.  That’s how I find balance on challenging days.

Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.”

Romans 12:12 (NLT)
Heavenly Father, thank you for being my source, my strength, and my hope.  I realize I’m powerless to control people and situations that will try to frustrate me, and I depend on You to lead, guide, and direct me.  Please help me to have peace in every situation, knowing that You are in control.  May your will be done in my life today!  --Amen

Further reading:  Philippians 4:6, James 1:2-4, 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

Click HERE to listen to "Rescue" by Lauren Daigle


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