The Power of a Yud!

By: Eric Hutchinson, Fellowship Bible Church NWA, Celebrate Recovery, TEAM Training Coach 8/14/19

What’s a Yud?  A Yud is one of the smallest letters in the Hebrew language.  Just a little slash before a name or word.  It precedes the two greatest names in the Hebrew language, Yahweh and Jesus. 

Why is this significant? 

Well, I just find it interesting that something so small can precede something so big.  Yahweh was a name of God that was so holy, some Hebrews wouldn’t even say it out loud for fear of being struck dead.  Jesus is the name of our Savior, our Lord, our Messiah.  When the disciples would cast out demons they would say, “In the name of Jesus I command you.”  These two incredible, powerful names preceded by a little slash called a Yud. 

Think for a moment what precedes a life change miracle?  Stepping out of your car, walking across the parking lot and going to a Celebrate Recovery meeting, picking up a blue chip, lifting your phone to call your sponsor or accountability partner, going to a weekly step study meeting, or maybe just opening God’s word and reading a verse.  All of these things are small, tiny steps that lead to victory in our lives. 

When I first came to CR almost 9 years ago I couldn’t fathom long term sobriety.  At the beginning of each of my five step studies there were men who couldn’t believe God could change them.  Yet, by one tiny step at a time and one forward motion towards recovery God starts his miracle.  It’s easy to get overwhelmed when thinking of how far I need to go, but all God wants is your willingness today, in the present.  So, whatever challenges you may be facing today or this week, remember the power of the Yud.  I hope this email finds you in a good place.  Have a blessed week!

“..Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20

Click HERE to listen to "More Than You Think I Am" by Danny Gokey


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