Reflecting Christ

By Carl Kimbro, Fellowship Bible Church, Rogers, Celebrate Recovery Devotional Team 10/23/19

In November 2012 our lives changed forever. Our son went to prison, and his wife and kids moved in with us. His wife was struggling with addiction and not caring for the two girls. She was failing at work and would sometimes disappear for days at a time. Our son was also calling and threatening to harm himself over all that had happened. It was a bad situation and about to get worse. In January 2013 the girls’ mom left for work and never came back. We suddenly found ourselves raising a three-and-a-half-year-old and an 18-month-old. The girls didn’t understand what was happening. And frankly, neither did we. It seemed that no one understood what we were going through, and we felt very much alone. I buried myself in unhealthy activities to cope, and life got worse.

Just when it seemed hopeless, God sent Vicky and Wayne into our lives. Never have two people been so welcome. It was as if God had sent a lifeline directly to us to pull us out of the waves and keep us from drowning! This awesome couple reflected the image of Christ to us when we needed it most. We had just started attending Celebrate Recovery. They encouraged us to not just attend, but to get involved. I’m very thankful that they did.

When I think back on those days, I ask myself these questions: “Since I am created in God’s image, am I reflecting His image to others around me? Can others at Celebrate Recovery see Christ in me? Do I love them as God loves me? Am I a Vicky or Wayne to someone at CR that is struggling right now?” What does God expect from me?

“…Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40

Jesus said this when asked, “What is the greatest commandment?” His answer reflects this truth: love is the key! Showing the love of Christ to others at CR is the true reflection of Christ’s love. Every Friday night God presents us with opportunities to reflect Christ to fellow strugglers. It can be as simple as listening to them and as spiritual as praying with them. It can be a kind word or a pat on the back. There are so many ways to reflect Christ to others. Our reaching out can be a part of their healing process. Your concern may be why they don’t give up and come back next week. When we reach out to them, they will see Christ in us!
How about you? Who will you be a Vicki or a Wayne too? Pray for opportunities to show God’s love to others at CR though your life. Loving others as God did is truly reflecting God’s image to the world. You may be the lifeline they need to keep from drowning in their struggles.

Click HERE to listen to "Somebody Tell Them" by City Harbor


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