What's Your Net Worth?

By: Carl Kimbro, Fellowshp Bible Church CR brother, 12/06/2017

What's YOUR Net Worth?
When asked this question, we add up our bank account, stocks, home value, and any other assets we have. We review our jobs and our earning potential. It's the natural reaction living in a society that values success and physical appearance above all else. As a result, we might feel like we don't measure up because we don't have those things society views as important. Or maybe we have been put down by others and have low self-esteem. Maybe we just plain feel unloved and unlovable. When we feel like we don't measure up, we can quickly turn to destructive habits and addictions to find the satisfaction and happiness we seek. Soon we find ourselves locked in a destructive behavior that leads to isolation and loneliness. The feeling of failure keeps us from seeking help because we think that  "no one cares anyway" So we might as well do what we "think" will make us feel good. Continuing on this path is toxic, as we can soon reach the point where we think that God must be so disappointed in us even he can't love us!  Can we really be so sinful that God can't love us?

We can find the answer in Romans 5:8. “But God demonstrates His great love for us that while we were still sinners Christ died for us."
God loves us so much that He allowed His son to die in our place even before we repented. Having done that, how can anything we do separate us from the love of a God who would put us even before His own son? The answer is it can't. Our successes are not what made God love us and Jesus die for us!  No, Jesus died for us because we were sinners in need of saving. And if God can love sinners like us, our net value must be high indeed.

1st John 3:1 tells us even more about our value to God: "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God." 
God doesn't just love us, he considers each one of us His very own precious child. And just like us with our children, God loves us even when we are stuck in our addictions and destructive habits. We aren't outcasts with no value. We are children of the Sovereign God, full of value to Him. That should lift our spirits and restore our feelings of self-worth like nothing we can ever do for ourselves!

Our "net worth" to God is worth more than all the riches on earth. And if we turn to Him  seeking His forgiveness and guidance, we can overcome our destructive habits and once again live a life where we see that we do have a "net worth" far beyond what the world considers valuable. We are children of God and the world can't take that from us.

There is nothing more valuable than that! 

Click HERE to listen to "Tell Your Heart to Beat Again" by Phillips, Craig & Dean


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