Putting Out All The Fires

"We should put out the fire while it's still small."
It’s easy to justify some small fires in our life at times isn’t it? “I can quit anytime I want to.” Or “I’ve got this under control”
Then BAM! The small fire spreads into a massive fire damaging everything and everyone in its path.

Remember, we don’t have to wait until we hit rock bottom to face our fires in life. We can make a choice to do something about it right now with the help of some great folks God puts in our path.
Some might say, “yeah but my fire is huge already!” Well, you can choose to do something about it today or wait and have an even bigger fire to deal with later. “God can restore the years the fire has eaten.” (Joel 2:25 Paraphrased)

Are you trying to contain your fire on your own? You don’t have to do that any longer. Come see us tonight. We will put the fire out together with the help of the Living Water.
See you tonight at 6:00pm at Celebrate Recovery @ Fellowship Bible

Rodney Holmstrom

Find a group near you at www.celebraterecovery.com


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