His Directions Are Always Accurate

How frustrating it can be to get directions to a destination sometimes huh?
"Ok, you will drive for a long time...then you will see a yellow Chevy in the yard on the left. Take a right there. Then you will go a whole lot longer and you will see some sheep in the field on the right. Take a left there.
Then after a long way of traveling you will see a red barn, don't turn there...keep on driving. 
Then you will soon see an old gate, drive on thru and my home is up on the hill to the right." Just doesn't make sense right now does it?
In similar ways, Jesus' directions in my own life can seem confusing and limited in my earthly view. 
Truth is, I only see part of the story, the here and now. Christ sees and understands the here & now AND forever.
"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now what I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." 1 Cor 13:12

Today, lets not lean on our own flawed and limited understanding, but acknowledge and trust Him as His ways are always better. He will lead us thru the gate and home with Him forever in the next.


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