I Feel So Lost

Have you lost anyone close to you? Do you sometimes feel lost without your loved ones in your life? Do you miss them? Me too! Remember, it is ok to miss them and the fact that you have a heart that hurts so well, means you have a heart that loves so well. Those feelings are God given feelings and He will comfort you in those tough times.This past week at Celebrate Recovery we had our annual “Nail it to the Cross” CR service. This is where we nail anything that might be holding us back in our life of ministry to lead our families effectively, our workplace, neighbors and those who do not know Christ. Removing the things that are preventing us from walking in step with the Father. Maybe a hurt or failure from our past, maybe we are in denial about something in the present or perhaps a fear of the future or even a fear of failure.What an awesome sight to look out from the stage and see a wave of people walking down the aisle toward the Cross to nail whatever it may be to the Cross. It was truly a blessing to take part in this with my forever family.
As I was preparing for this big night, we gathered up the Cross and had it placed in the middle of the sanctuary. We located hammers to use as well as the black piece of paper and pencils so that people could write things down discretely without anyone being able to tell what it was they were writing.
Something was missing…..Oh yeah, the nails! You can’t nail the stuff to the Cross without nails right?!So I went to our storage closet where we have a blue container full of nails. When I looked inside the container I was taken aback by what I saw. I saw an old name tag from one of our dear brothers and friends, Rex. As his friends many of us said goodbye to our Rex when he died several years ago in a bad motorcycle accident.
It made me sad for a moment to think that we don’t have goofy Rex here on this earth anymore to make us laugh and even mad at times with his stubbornness. :)
As the CR Friday Night played out, I was taken struck with the thought of what Rex must be experiencing right now. I was taken aback by the thought of Rex not having to feel pain anymore. Not having to deal with life’s struggles any longer. Wow! 2 Cor. 5:8 reads, “We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.”
I can just hear Rex saying those words as He dances with the Father.
As much as I miss him and the many others close to me such as my sweet mom, it warms my heart to know they are in a better place.“….and then there will be one huge family reunion with the Master (Jesus). So reassure one another with these words.” I look forward to this great reunion (gathering of family, friends or individuals at regular intervals or after a separation). Love you brother Rex, mom, and others that have left us.
If you have lost someone close to you that went to be with the Lord, you can find great hope and confidence in knowing that we will see them again one day. We rejoice in this promise of an eternal heavenly reunion.
This also spurs me with a great challenge however; asking the question; who do I know that still does not know our Father? Am I sharing Christ with people that need to His hope? Am I telling as many people as I can about CR and the freedom we gain thru surrendering to Him and turning our life over to Him in all things? Am I telling as many people I can about the upcoming tool that is www.homerunthe movie.com?
1 John 3:18 “Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.”
And Gal 6:1-2 “If a Christian is overcome by some sin….humbly help him back onto the right path, remembering that the next time it might be one of you who is in the wrong. Share each other’s troubles and problems, and so obey our Lord’s command.”
As much as we hurt and deep the heartache we feel for the ones we have lost in our life, Jesus is saying the same thing about those that have not come to know Him. He feels lost without them. That is why He sent His son to die for us. Wow! Chew on that for a minute.
Who do you know that needs recovery in their life? Who do you know that could find great hope in startign this road to Recovery today? Who is that one person that comes to your mind right this second? What would happen if you called them right now and invited them to CR or church this week? You may be surprised in the response. Even if they say no, you never know what kind of seeds have been planted.

Thank You Lord for the great reminder thru the passing of a brother, Rex, that left us years ago, reminding me that our time on earth is short. I want to make the most of it as I await my family reunion with forever family. See you there!

Rodney Holmstrom

For information about how you can begin the process to deal with life’s hurts and failures from the past, denial in the present or maybe even a fear of the future or failure, contact Rodney at roholmstrom@fellowshipnwa.org or 479-659-3679


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