Humility: God's Turbocharger that will Energize Your Marriage

Humility: God's Turbocharger that will Energize Your Marriage
Philippians 2:1-11
Definition: Humility is letting God have the place in our heart that "Self" wants to occupy.

A. What Does a Spiritually Energized Marriage Look Like?

1. We are united eternally to Christ
2. We are living daily in fellowship with the Holy Spirit
3. We are walking in agreement as a couple.
4. We are acting out love to the other person when life hurts
5. We are pursuing oneness in our life's calling and commitments.

B. How is the Power of Humility Released in a Marriage?

1. We give up all selfishness or pride in our married relationship.
2. We consider our spouse's needs before our own.
3. We don't lord our position, role, gifts, strengths, or money over our spouse.
4. We give up all right to use our rights in any selfish way.
5. We let our servant spirit not our controlling attitude change the heart of our spouse.
6. We leave our desire for all recognition and rewards in God's hands.
7. We submit everything to the Glory Test: Will this make a name for me or for God?

Dear Lord God,
I confess I have at times been living my life in pride and selfishness, particularly in my marriage.
I ask you to empty my heart of any desire or right to use my position, role, gifts, strengths, or money in any self-serving way and instead to fill my heart with true humility. I now yield the place in my heart that "Self" has occupied for so long to the control of Jesus Christ. I ask that all I do and say in my marriage from this point onward be to the Glory of God the Father. In the name above every name, Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen

Marriage Minutes
Bob and Cheryl Moeller
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

If you would like information about Celebrate Recovery here at Fellowship Bible NW Arkansas contact Rodney at 479-659-3679 or


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