Those Pesking Smoke Alarm Warnings

A friend of mine was telling me about a smoke alarm that was beeping near his offices. It needed a new battery. He said he went over to ask the folks if he could help them by changing it. He said, "I hear an occasional beeping in your area." Their response: "Oh yeah, that has been going off for about a week but we have just tuned it out." Makes me think about how easy it is in life for warning signs to be ignored. It starts as a annoying beep that can drive us crazy but the longer we live with it, the more we conform to it. Sometimes those beeps are the Holy Spirits way of saying, "something is not right. You need to take care of this problem." If I don't listen to His instruction, I won't be prepared for if and when the fire actually comes. “I will instruct you & teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you & watch over you." Ps 32:8 Reminded this morning that I need to listen for his voice and instruction. Also, I need not become complacent to the warning beeps in my life. Those beeps can save me from a future catastrophic event. Time to change the battery? Rodney Holmstrom


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